Question Title

* 1. Are you a physician?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your interest in the following topics:

  Definitely would read Probably would read Probably would not read Definitely would not read
Winning over New Patients: Taking patients from a retiring/departing physician? Here's how to break the ice.
Making Smart Investments: Figure out where to put some extra income so it makes you a good return.
Practice Transformation: Profiles of private practices that have ditched the traditional fee-for-service model, how they did it, and how long it took to make a profit.
Personal Finance for Physicians: Guidance tailored just for physicians' money management needs
ACOs - One Year Later: You’ve heard the hype about accountable care organizations. Now what’s the real deal?
Technology Package Deals: Are they worth it?
Tech Adoption - Young Docs vs. Older Docs: Understanding the perspectives of different generations of physicians when it comes to embracing change.
The Mobile Patient: Here's a look at the changing nature of patients and what kind of health IT connections may aid your practice.
Implementing an EHR Successfully: How to address some initial growing pains.
Shopping for New Gear: A Guide for Administrators
Routing Out Embezzlement
How to Avoid Patient Dismissal: What to do before showing a patient the door.
Doc Departures: How your practice can move forward after a departure and tips for physicians on how to leave a practice properly.