Help us to make our service better by taking 5 minutes to fill this questionnaire out. Please be HONEST so we know what we need to change. If you need any help with this form call Mel Carroll on 01273 295510 (or Free phone from a land line 0800 052 4280.)

After your experience of having an advocate....

Question Title

* 1. I feel...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...listened to more

Question Title

* 2. I feel...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...I undertand my options better now?

Question Title

* 3. I feel...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...better informed of my rights?

Question Title

* 4. I feel...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...more confident to pass on my wishes and feelings?

Question Title

* 5. I feel...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...more able to get my issue resolved?

Question Title

* 6. I feel...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...more involved in decisions made about my care?

Question Title

* 7. My advocate...

  definitely sometimes not at all
...gets back to me quickly?

Question Title

* 8. What is good about having an advocate?

Question Title

* 9. Is there anything not so good about your advocate?

Question Title

* 10. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your advocate or the service you have received? Please write your comments here or call Mel Carroll on 01273 295510 (or Free Phone from a land line on 0800 052 4280)

Question Title

* 11. For your chance to win £20 voucher leave your name and phone number or address so we can contact you.