
Please take this opportunity to provide input into the development of the new standards for the Hospitality and Tourism career field.

You can access the standards by copying and pasting the following link into your browser:

You'll see that these standards are organized into strands, outcomes, and competencies. The competencies will eventually be organized into courses, and students will be assessed at the competency level at the conclusion of each course.

Please indicate "yes" or "no" to three questions for each outcome and its associated competencies.

1. Are the outcomes and competencies clearly stated so that you understand what is to be accomplished?

2. Are the outcomes and competencies complete so that no additional competencies are needed to achieve the outcome?

3. Are the outcomes and competencies accurate so that no changes are needed to reflect the required knowledge and skill?

If you answer "no" at any point, please provide an explanation and suggest changes in the comment box following each outcome.

Thanks for your feedback!