1. Nursing Graduate Survey

Dear Cabrillo Graduate,

Upgrading the quality of the Nursing Program at Cabrillo and keeping up with the changing trends in the health care delivery system is a vital part of our service to the public. We need your input as a recent graduate, to assist us in this process. This survey is completely anonymous and confidential, with no identifying information associated with your answers or comments.

Your time is a precious commodity, so we have made this multiple choice, however we do invite and encourage you to add comments in the space provided. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Sincerely,

Anne Lucero and Chris Madsen
Cabrillo College Department of Nursing

Question Title

* 2. Do you think the nursing program adequately prepared you for the process of seeking employment?

Question Title

* 3. Are you presently employed in nursing? If no, please share why.