Please complete the follow survey regarding accessible educational materials (AEM). This survey has been developed in order to discern how schools and districts identify, select, acquire, utilize and implement AEM. The results of this survey are not evaluative. The information provided will be used to inform the State Department of Education (SDE) on how to better serve and support schools and districts in regard to both the use of AEM for all students with disabilities and NIMAS/NIMAC (the National Instructional Material Accessibility Standard/National Instructional Material Accessibility Center) for those identified for specific formats.

If you would like more information regarding AEM related Technical Assistance, please contact Sean Kavanaugh at or Smita Worah at

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* 1. I am affiliated with

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* 2. I am aware of accessing educational materials (AEM)

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* 3. I am aware of National Instructional Material Accessibility Center (NIMAC)

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* 4. I am aware of National Instructional Material Accessibility Standard (NIMAS)

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* 5. Describe your school’s/district’s current process for deciding if students need AEM.

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* 6. Approximately, how many students with IEPs in your school/district use AEM?

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* 7. Approximately, how many students without IEPs in your school/district use AEM?

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* 8. What formats do your students use?

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* 9. Have you received technological training regarding the formats to be delivered

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* 10. Is there a specific team at the school/district level involved in the decision making process for AEM?

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* 11. Parents are often involved in the process of identifying accessible instructional materials

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* 12. If students need AIM accommodations, are the accommodations identified on page 8 of students’ IEPs?

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* 13. Please describe how your school/district determines which format (i.e., braille, large print, digital, audio) will work best for a student?

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* 14. If one of my students’ needs specialized materials (i.e., Braille, large print, digital, audio), the process for obtaining this format is

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* 15. I am confident that I can obtain specialized materials (i.e., Braille, large print, digital, audio) for my students if necessary.

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* 16. Do you currently have students using NIMAS derived materials?

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* 17. I think the NIMAS/NIMAC process is complicated.

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* 18. My student(s) made some progress as a result of NIMAS/NIMAC.

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* 19. I believe my students benefited from AEM derived materials

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* 20. Once AEM has been acquired for a student, what types of formats are being used?

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* 21. Does your school/district currently have an AT specialist that assists in the AT decision making and training?

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* 22. Does your school/district currently have an AT team that assists in the AT decision making process?

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* 23. Do you utilize a website/resource for information on AEM?

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* 24. Have you used the SDE website for information about NIMAS/NIMAC.

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* 25. The SDE website information on NIMAS/NIMAC helpful.

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* 26. I would utilize an AEM and/or NIMAS/NIMAC website if there was one available.