Question Title

* 1. I use the following at home... Tick all the boxes that apply to you

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* 2. I surf the net for recreation... Tick the one that most applies to you

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* 3. I surf the net for homework, and school work. Tick the one that most applies to you.

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* 4. I send emails. Tick the one that most applies to you.

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* 5. I use a webcam video chatting or Skype. Tick the one that most applies to you.

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* 6. Which social networking sites do you use? Tick all that apply

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* 7. I use social networking sites eg Facebook, MySpace, Twitter etc Tick the one that most applies to you

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* 8. I watch videos on sites such as YouTube, Vimeo. Tick the one that most applies to you

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* 9. How often do you create and upload data to the web? Upload to Flickr, Picasa, YouTube, create websites, blogs etc.

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* 10. If you have a mobile phone, how often do you use it to access the internet?