1. About This Survey

11% of survey complete.
THIS is your club.

Woking Football Club is carrying out this survey to find out your views in order to improve your experience, improve our communication, and to find out if you would be willing to help the club in any other ways besides coming to matches.

There are a fair number of questions, only 2 require an answer (indicated by *) these are to ensure we only contact you in a way you are happy with, and you may choose not to answer any of the other questions if you don't want to.

WFC will look after your information and keep it secure. We will not pass any information onto third parties and we will only contact you if you indicate you are happy for us to do so. Your data will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Surveys completed by 26 November 2011 will be entered into a draw - the first prize will be full hospitality for 2 people in the Geoff Chapple Lounge, second prize a signed photograph with your favourite player and third prize free entry for 2 people to a home league game. Winners will be notified by email and announced on the official website on 30 November. Prizes will be presented at the home match with Eastleigh and on 3rd December 2011.

Thank you so much for participating.

Mike Smith, Chairman

We will begin with some contact details and personal information.

Question Title

* 1. Your contact information:

Question Title

* 2. We would like to keep in touch with you, preferably by email and/or text since this is the cheapest and most immediate option.

Examples of information/contact:
- Matches postponed/cancelled
- Reminder of fans' forum date
- In relation to your offers of help

Please make sure you HAVE supplied your email address and mobile number above if you want us to contact you by this method. If you change your mind at any time please phone Elliot Machin on 01483 772470 or email Elliot.machin@wokingfc.co.uk so we can remove your details from our lists.

Are you happy for us to contact you by email?
Are you happy for us to contact you by text?
Are you happy for us to contact you by post?

Question Title

* 3. Your job
- because you'd be surprised what talents are needed from time to time at your football club!

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* 4. Might your company be interested in sponsoring anything?
Might your company be interested in providing goods or services on a quid pro quo basis?

Question Title

* 5. Email address

Question Title

* 6. Gender

Question Title

* 9. What is your age?