1. Academic Libraries...TNsnap statistics & survey

Please fill in the answers to the best of your ability based on your experience on 10/7/2010.

Question Title

* 2. Visits to the library or information center:
a. How many people visited the library/information center in person?
b. How many times was the library’s/information center’s website accessed?
c. How many people contacted the library through phone, email, text, or other types of outside access not including website visits?

Question Title

* 3. How many total items were checked out or renewed?

Question Title

* 4. How many course reserves were accessed?

Question Title

* 5. How many items were accessed in the special collections department(s)?

Question Title

* 6. a. How many inter-library loans were requested?
b. How many inter-library loans did your library fulfill by sending items to another library?
c. How many requests were fulfilled using your document delivery service?

Question Title

* 7. a. How many reference/informational/materials questions were answered in person?
b. How many reference/informational/materials questions were answered via other means, e.g., telephone, email, instant message, text message, mail, or the web?

Question Title

* 8. a. How many people used a library/information center computer?
b. How many people used their own computer/electronic device at the library/information center?

Question Title

* 9. How many pages were printed in your library?

Question Title

* 10. How many people received bibliographic or other instruction at your library?

Question Title

* 11. a. How many times were the library’s/information center’s licensed databases and digital collections (if applicable) accessed?
b. How many items were retrieved from the licensed databases?

Question Title

* 12. Please use this space to type in student/instructor/patron comments, additional statistics, or anything else you think would be helpful.