1. Welcome and introduction

7% of survey complete.
DCNR has funded and supported the creation of over 100 Rivers Conservation Plans (RCP’s) in recent years. 87 of these have been completed and listed on DCNR's River Registry.

While the development of RCP’s in and of itself is a great resource for conservation, to realize the full benefit of these plans, the implementation of the plans' recommendations is crucial.

Several years ago, DCNR's Citizen Advisory Council on Natural Resources reviewed the River Conservation Plan program and made several recommendations for advancing its goals. Building upon this assessment, the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR) is currently evaluating all RCPs in order to find common points among the plans - as well as the planning processes - and hopefully help accelerate implementation across the state.

Your feedback through this survey will help us identify important characteristics of your RCP that can be shared with the entire watershed protection community. Help us learn from you about (1) the planning process was carried out, (2) your perception of the quality of the plan, (3) implementation of recommendations so far, and (4) what remains to be done.

This survey has a companion website at:


where you can enter comments on each specific recommendation made in every River Conservation Plan. Once you're done with the survey, feel free to visit the site and share your thoughts about specific recommendations.

We thank you gratefully for your feedback and wish you luck in your conservation efforts!