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* 1. Thanks for sharing your story with us. We are seeking stories from adults and parents of children.

We will assess your story and get back to you if editing is required. Your story will be published in a booklet detailing personal journeys of those with GH Deficiency. It is our intention to develop and publish in both hardcopy and electronic media.

The story will be published with your first name only, however for communication purposes we need your details.

There is no guarantee that your story will be used, either for the submission or the booklet, in its entirety however relevant portions of it may be included in the submission.

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* 2. Please tick here to indicate your permission to use your story in online or hardcopy publications.

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* 3. My testimonial: (limit of 2000 characters)

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* 4. Would you like to provide a photo of yourself or you and your child? (photos, particularly of children, personalises and helps readers connect with your plight.) If so, we will contact you.