25% of survey complete.
Please review the DATA COUNT 2013 Information Sheet before filling out this form.

This is a world-wide survey and there are different terms for women's shelters in different countries.

This is a global survey and there are different terms for women’s shelters all over the world. In the Australian (and neighbours) context, shelters are more commonly known as refuges, shelters, transitional housing, or crisis or supported accommodation for women escaping domestic and family violence. It can include accommodating women in hotels, motels and caravans when necessary. These services provide or obtain some kind of housing or shelter for women experiencing domestic and/or family violence and sometimes a range of other (non-housing) services to support their clients, such as outreach or counseling for example).

More information can be found on the Information Sheet. The Info sheet should have been sent to you by email, but can also be downloaded from the website It also has contact details if you need assistance with completing this survey.

Question Title

1. I agree to participate in the Global Shelter Data Count with the understanding that
a) this information will be reported on a country/region basis only;
b) my individual shelter name and information will not be disclosed; and
c) the information will be compiled by the Women's Services Network (WESNET) Inc and the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters (Canada) on behalf of the Global Network of Women’s Shelters to be used for public awareness purposes.

Question Title

2. I also agree to share my individual shelter data count information with my regional/national network(s) for public awareness purposes with the understanding that individual shelter data will not be publicly disclosed.