1. Default Section

This is just a short survey to gain your feedback on the recent seminar you had with George Perlov. Please fill in all questions and be as honest as possible.

Question Title

1. How would you rate the seminar you attended with Mr. Perlov on the following criteria?

  Totally agree Somewhat agree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree
I found it informative
I learned something new
I can apply this learning to my work or studies
The speaker (Mr. Perlov) was knowledgeable about the topic
The speaker presented information well
I would like to learn more about social marketing and communications

Question Title

2. Are you a student, working or both?

Question Title

3. What aspects of the seminar were particularly helpful?

Question Title

4. What else would you have wanted from the seminar?

Question Title

5. Do you have any other feedback on the seminar?