1. Mortar Board: Faculty, Staff, and Key Student Leaders Nominations Form

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University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Faculty, Staff and Key Student Leaders:

The University of Minnesota Sigma Tau Chapter of Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society is seeking nominations of current juniors and seniors who exemplify the ideals of scholarship, leadership, and service. Please take a few moments to nominate students whom you feel deserve this recognition, and whom you believe would make an outstanding contribution to the UMN Mortar Board chapter. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

To be eligible for Mortar Board students must:

  • 1. Currently be of junior or senior standing at the UMN;
  • 2. Be slated to graduate in Spring of 2014 or later;
  • 3. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better;
  • 4. Be committed and involved in scholarship, service, and leadership activities as an undergraduate.


    Since Mortar Board’s establishment in 1918, nearly a quarter-of-a-million members have held the honor of being initiated at 230 chartered chapters across the nation. Mortar Board members are not only recognized as the top scholars and leaders on their campuses, but are presented with the unique opportunity to join a diverse group of students from vastly different disciplines and interests.

    Together, as seniors, they serve the University of Minnesota student body. Our Society provides its members with opportunities for continued leadership development, promotes service to colleges and universities and encourages lifelong contributions to the global community. Additionally, Mortar Board offers numerous benefits to members, including career networking, fellowships, and awards. We seek students from every area of study, as we strive to bring together the most involved student leaders wherever they may be. For more information please visit www.mortarboard.org.

    The deadline for submission of nominations is September 22, 2013, at midnight.
