Introduction to FINDS

Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports - Military Families

This informational survey is being conducted by The Arc, a national disability organization whose mission is to promote and protect the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Military families that have a family member with a disability experience unique challenges in finding and accessing programs, services and supports in the communities where they serve. This survey will collect data that is specific to the experiences of military families across the globe.

The purpose of this survey is to capture the perceptions of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages,and their families, on issues concerning disability support needs across the life spectrum. Responses will be used to help inform disability organizations, services, policy, and public perceptions on issues related to disability supports that you or your family member has now, needs or is anticipated to need in the future. Your answers will remain completely anonymous and confidential. We will not connect your responses and answers to you personally; your identity will remain unknown to staff working on this project unless you choose to provide your name and contact information at the end of this survey.

There are no risks or costs associated with completing this survey.

Respondents needing personal assistance with filling out the survey may have their appointed personal assistant help complete the survey, but responses in the first section of the survey should be those of the respondent, not of the caregiver or personal assistant.

Your completion and submission of this survey indicates that you, or your parent or caregiver, are at least 18 and voluntarily consent to participating. Average time to complete this survey is 30 to 45 minutes.

Copies of this survey may be made available upon request in Spanish, large print and Braille. For copies or questions, please contact:

Ann Cameron Caldwell, Ph.D.
Chief Research and Innovations Officer
The Arc
1660 L Street, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20036