Wrexham Tenant Survey 2012

14% of survey complete.
Welcome to our Tenant Feedback Survey

In order that we can meet the needs of our customers we need to know what you like best about our service, any problems you may be experiencing and how you would like the service to improve.

The only way we can do this is by asking YOU and that is also why we are trying to increase the number of residents who get involved. We know not everyone can volunteer their valuable time so we want to develop a MENU of choice offering different ways of involvement ranging from very little time commitment on your part "Bitesize" to much more intensive involvement - "Three course meal".

This questionnaire is in 6 short sections and there are less than 90 questions in total so it should only take you 10 minutes to complete it and we will enter all completed surveys into 2 prize draws (first prize - IPad and second prize - Kindle) which will be drawn at a Tenants' Assembly Meeting and announced in the Housing Hotline newsletter and also on our website.

The sections are:

1. About You - Your Contact Details and Communication Needs
2. Welfare Reform
3. Tenant Participation
4. Landlord Services Satisfaction
5. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Installation Project
6. Equality and Fairness