1. Disclaimer

Evaluating Social Media and Inbound Marketing Success
for Content Delivery Companies

You are invited to participate in a study that will allow me to identify your preferences and insights into your social media and Web browsing habits. In addition, this study is being conducted to fulfill the requirements of a Capstone Project. Talia Davis is conducting the study. Talia can be reached at 720.252.5554 or taliahdavis@gmail.com. This project is supervised by the student’s Capstone Advisor, Lora Louise Broady, Organizational and Professional Communications, University of Denver, Denver, CO 80208, lbroady@du.edu.

Participation in this study should take about 10 minutes of your time. Participation will involve responding to approximately 13 questions about social media, online browsing habits, online faith information choices, and basic demographics.

Participation in this project is strictly voluntary. The risks associated with this project are minimal. If, however, you experience discomfort you may discontinue the survey at any time. We respect your right to choose not to answer any questions that may make you feel uncomfortable. Refusal to participate or withdrawal from participation will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

Your responses will be identified by code number only and will be kept separate from information that could identify you. This is done to protect the confidentiality of your responses. Only the researcher will have access to your individual data and any reports generated as a result of this study will use only group averages and paraphrased wording. However, should any information contained in this study be the subject of a court order or lawful subpoena, the University of Denver might not be able to avoid compliance with the order or subpoena. Although no questions in this interview address it, we are required by law to tell you that if information is revealed concerning suicide, homicide, or child abuse and neglect, it is required by law that this be reported to the proper authorities.

If you have any concerns or complaints about how you were treated during the interview, please contact Denise Pearson, Assistant Dean, University College at 303-871-3964.

If you do not understand any part of the above statement, please ask the researcher any questions you have.

By proceeding to the survey, I agree that I have read and understood the foregoing descriptions of the study called Evaluating Social Media and Inbound Marketing Success for Content Delivery Companies. I have asked for and received a satisfactory explanation of any language that I did not fully understand. I agree to participate in this study, and I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time.