1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. In the textboxes, please provide the following information:
Your Name: First Last
The section # and semester (example: Sec 2410, Sum 2008)

Question Title

* 2. I think the following class will have _________(choose one) on

  a huge impact a big impact some impact maybe a little impact no impact
my success in my math class
my success in school/other classes
my success in life
my success on the job
my self esteem
my motivation
my level of responsibility
the way I approach coursework
my time management
my ability to set goals
my awareness of college programs
understanding myself
feeling more in control of my future

Question Title

* 3. I would rate this class as a(n) _____________ (choose one) for

  mandatory class excellent choice good choice fair choice waste of time no comment
first year college students
Students struggling with Math
Math Anxious students
most students
students on probation

Question Title

* 4. Now that I've taken this class, I am

Question Title

* 5. Please be honest in evaluating me. YOUR ANSWER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR GRADE IN CLASS! I want to improve my teaching by understanding if I am meeting your needs as a student.
Rank the following about me and the class.

  Strongly Agree Agree Average/Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion Does not apply
Objectives of the course are clear
Objectives and what is taught match each other
I know how my work will be evaluated
Mrs. B is concerned with student progress
Mrs. B gives help when needed
Mrs. B uses class time effectively
Mrs. B is prepared for each class
Mrs. B uses examples or illustrations to help make things clear
I feel free to ask questions in this class
Mrs. B shows a personal interest in this subject matter
Mrs. B inspires my confidence in her knowledge of the subject matter
I can contact Mrs. B for help
Mrs. B has office time (Summer and Winter only or Does Not Apply)
The instructor is accomplishing the objectives of the course
I would take a different class with this instructor
The instructor inspired me to work hard to learn
I worked hard enough just to get a passing grade
The class had an average amount of work
The class didn't have enough work
The homework helped me to understand the material
Mrs. B inspired me to stay in school
Mrs. B made me feel like dropping out of school

Question Title

* 6. How likely are you to ____________?

  Highly likely Most likely Likely Somewhat likely Not likely
Suggest this class to other students
Recommend this instructor to other students
Buy this book to keep
Look further into some of these topics
Explore campus programs more
Help classmates
Continue to have study contacts
See a tutor regularly
Visit the Health Center counselor
Go to an Anxiety Workshop at the Health Center
Seek out more off-campus help
Take a Self-Hypnosis Workshop/Class

Question Title

* 7. Thank you for taking the time to take this survey for me. This is the last question. Please check all that apply.