
Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this brief survey. Carmel Green Initiative seeks to keep you abreast of policies that impact the quality of life and sustainability of our community. We simplify the complex legislative process within a Hamilton County framework and keep you informed.

Please indicate your preferences below. For details on any of these issues, please open another window and go to http://tinyurl.com/2v56tsq

The results are confidential and will help us serve you better. We want to be sure you receive updates on policies of interest to you.

Question Title


A resolution for city-wide curbside trash and recycling will be introduced to the Carmel City Council soon. For details on the trash & recycling program, go to http://tinyurl.com/2v56tsq

  Yes No
Do you support the curbside trash and recycling program?
Do you want to receive email updates when the resolution is introduced?
Would you attend a public meeting in support of the program?

Question Title

* 2. Issues emerging for the 2011 Indiana Legislative Session include a few green bills which would make Carmel a more beautiful and healthier place to live. Do you wish to receive email updates (not more than once a week) on the following legislation?

  yes no
Central Time Legislation - Returning Indiana back to its geographically correct time zone has many benefits including saving energy.
Phosphorus-Free Lawn Fertilizers - Phosphorous run off into waterways and reservoirs contributes to the spread of blue-green algae blooms which can produce toxins.
Renewable Energy bills like PACE, Net Metering and Feed-in Tariffs would help make renewable energy more affordable.
Mass Transit and High Speed Rail are a wise investments in energy efficient transportation critical for Central Indiana.
CAFO Bills would provide better pollution controls on large scale, corporate animal farms/factories.

Question Title


Do you wish to receive email updates (not more than once a week) on the following legislation?

  Yes No
Eminent Domain for CO2 pipeline. This bill would allow a private, for-profit business to take personal property for the construction of a pipeline for carbon dioxide. The bill died last year and is being re-introduced again this year.
Redefining Renewable Energy to include non-renewable resources such as coal. This bill died last year and is being re-introduced again this year.
Coal Bills. These bills provide special breaks,incentives and investment in coal-related plants. Coal is the greatest sources of carbon emissions in Indiana.

Question Title

* 4. We would like to organize a green policy workshop. Please rate the importance of content and format for a workshop.

  Very important Important Not very important
I would like to understand the legislative process better.
I would like a small group roundtable discussion on a specific green policy of interest.
I would like to hear from a panel of experts on current green policies.
I would like to hear from our elected officials. What are their views on current green policies?
I would attend a green policy workshop.

Question Title

* 5. .