1. Portland Laughter Yoga - Scheduling Questionaire

Dear Portland Laughter Yoga fans,

We are always hoping to introduce more Laughter Yoga to the community. Very good, very good, yeah! So I love to get feedback from YOU - the potential laugher. The intent is to get a feel for the demand and expectations. This will help with the scheduling and the determination of class locations going forward. If I see a demand somewhere that is not in my typical stomping grounds I share this information with my students. Your participation and feedback is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback directly you can reach me at: andrea [at] portlandlaughteryoga [dot] com.

Love, light & laughs,


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* 1. Have you participated in Laughter Yoga previously?

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* 2. Would you be willing to pay a small fee to attend a Laughter Yoga class?

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* 3. If you answered "Yes" to question #2, how much do you feel is reasonable per session for a Laughter Yoga class?

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* 4. What sections of Portland would be the most convenient for you to attend Laughter Yoga classes? (multiple answers allowed)

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* 5. If another part of the metro area would be more convenient, please list the town or area below.

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* 6. If you hope to attend a Laughter Yoga class, how often do you plan to go?

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* 7. If you were going to attend a Laughter Yoga class what day(s) of the week do you prefer?

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* 8. Thinking about the days of the week that work best for you, complete the following sentence. I am more likely to attend a Laughter Yoga class between the hours of: (multiple answers permitted)

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* 9. What type of Laughter Yoga classes or events would you be interested in attending?

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* 10. Please feel free to provide me with any other information that you think may be useful for the planning and/or scheduling of future Laughter Yoga related classes and events. Or if you feel the need to clarify any of your above answers you may do so here.