A working group has been formed in the Scottish Borders to look at setting up a new information service for people with disabilities. It includes representatives from NHS Borders, Scottish Borders Council and the Third Sector. The aim of this new service will be to improve the lives of people living with a disability or long term condition. To help ensure that the service is effective, we are contacting a range of people to get their views on what the service should look like. In particular, we would welcome your views on where we should focus the limited resources available. We would be most grateful if you could complete this brief questionnaire.

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* 1. In which role are you responding (you can tick more than one box)?

Question Title

* 2. Which activities do you think would be the most important for this new service? Please put the following activities in order of priority (where 1 is most important).You can drag each line to put the list in the order 1-8.

Question Title

* 3. Did we miss any activities on the above list that you think would be important? Of so, please tell us.