1. Group 2: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class in the last year or less.

I am doing research to determine if taking Environmental Education has any effect on student's awareness, attitude or behavior towards the environment.
What I would like from you is total honesty. Do not concern yourself with the results or answers. Just be honest.
Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose most appropriate answer.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral or Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
I believe Climate Change is happening.
I believe Climate Change is happening and humans are the cause of it.
I am concerned with the environment and state of the planet.
I want to be a part of the solution and take action to help the planet.
I will be a part of the solution and take action to help the planet.
I feel we should be doing something about global warming (climate change).
I have already started taking action to help.
I believe planting trees is a good thing.
I believe having a reusable water bottle and bag is a good thing.
I believe Meatless Mondays are a good thing.
I believe schools should have an environmental education program.
I believe our school is doing a lot for the environment.
I believe our school should do a lot more for the environment.
I believe I have benefited from environmental education.
I believe others would benefit from environmental education.
I believe my own awareness, attitude and behavior towards the environment has improved.
I believe my own awareness, attitude and behavior towards the environment has improved mostly due to taking the Environment Stewardship class (more than other reasons).

Question Title

* 2. Rate 1st, 2nd, etc the things you believe have improved your personal awareness, attitude and behavior towards the environment. (Only click things that apply)

  1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice 4th choice
Taking the Environmental Stewardship Class
Joining Green Panthers
Projects taking place at ISB (Earth week, water bottles, plastic bags, Meatless Monday's and more)
Media (Internet, TV, articles, etc)
I don't think that my awareness or attitude towards the environment has improved

Question Title

* 3. What school actions have you supported? (click all that apply)