
Question Title

* 1. What is your current relationship with Fund for the Arts (Check all that apply)

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* 2. What is your gender? (Optional)

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* 4. Why do you give to Fund for the Arts? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Of the following organizations, please rate top five that are most important to you.

  This is most important This is second most important This is third most important This is fourth most important This is fifth most important
Actors Theatre of Louisville
Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft
Kentucky Opera
Kentucky Shakespeare
Louisville Ballet
Louisville Orchestra
Louisville Youth Choir
Louisville Youth Orchestra
Louisville Visual Art Association
Music Theatre Louisville
PNC- Broadway Across America - Louisville
Stage One
Walden Theatre
West Louisville Performing Arts Academy

Question Title

* 6. Of the following organizations, of which ones have you attended events, exhibits or performances in the last 12 months? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. How often do you attend arts events?

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* 8. What was the last arts event you attended?

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* 9. If you had $150 to spend on one form of entertainment, how would you spend it?

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* 10. If you had $500 to give to a nonprofit organization, what kind of organization would you give it to?

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* 11. In your opinion, what are the most important services that Fund for the Arts currently provides to the community? (Check all that apply)

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* 12. In your opinion, are there any services Fund for the Arts does NOT currently provide, that it should consider offering?

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* 13. What do you consider to be the strengths of Fund for the Arts?

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* 14. What do you consider to be areas for growth (weaknesses) of Fund for the Arts?

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* 15. Is there a specific role you would like to play in the continued development of Fund for the Arts? (Check all that apply)

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* 16. Other comments, suggestions or ideas:

Question Title

* 17. Thank you for your participation in this survey. May we contact you regarding your answers above?