East Suffolk Sports Club Survey 2012

Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council's Sports Development Team are undertaking an audit of all the clubs/teams in the Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District. In order for us to do this we really need your help.

The information we collect from you is very important and will help us to ensure the services we provide are more tailored to suit the individual needs of your club. For example, we can signpost club and coach workshops, provide funding information/updates and help and advise on attaining club accreditations.

This is an opportunity to guide and make a difference to Sports Development in East Suffolk. The survey will close on 21st January.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

If you have any queries on the survey please contact

Suffolk Coastal
Active Communities on 01394 444652 or email active.communities@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk

Active Waveney 01502 523010 or email activewaveney@waveney.gov.uk
11% of survey complete.