We are collecting signatures to the letter below, which has already has several renewable energy trade associations and trades unions signed up. Should you wish to add your organisation / company’s name to the list of signatories, please follow the instructions below.
The deadline for signing up is 6 P.M. Wednesday 9th August.

The letter

Dear Prime Minister and Deputy PM,
The potential contribution of the renewable energy sector to national prosperity and security is tremendous. Lord Stern and his colleagues at the Grantham Institute assert that the transition to a low carbon economy ‘is likely to be dynamic, innovative and a period of strong growth’. A recent CBI report confirms the green economy’s strong contribution to growth. We therefore hope you will ensure the Treasury actively supports departments charged with meeting the legally-binding renewable energy targets, and delivering green growth and jobs.

The Renewables Obligation (RO) Banding Decision was finally published at the end of July, after prolonged delay. The decision does not set out the support levels to 2017 for all renewable power technologies as expected, but leaves key technologies with only one year’s certainty, or less. This will result in consented projects being rushed through, and the remainder stalling. The Banding Decision has resulted in eight new consultations.

18 months of consultation on RO support and Electricity Market Reform (EMR) offered plenty of opportunity for departmental differences to be resolved in timely fashion. Instead we have a confused energy policy landscape, following Treasury's interventions, and fundamental questions still need to be answered under EMR. Constant reviews and policy uncertainty deter investment and risk adding to costs.

It is widely appreciated that investment in green technologies requires a stable and evidence-based policy framework. This in turn requires cross-Government support. We urgently need you to deliver a united 'Team GB' effort to secure the UK’s place as a world leader in green skilled jobs and technology. Massive investment in renewable energy is taking place across Europe and Asia and the UK cannot afford to miss out - neither can we afford to miss our carbon targets.

We urge you to ensure the Treasury systematically and publicly appreciates the long-term benefits of investment in renewable energy, not just the short-term costs. We also urge you to expedite clarity on support levels for investors in all renewable power technologies under the RO, and under EMR. Finally, we seek your assurance that the Coalition Government is committed to the popular and successful Feed-in Tariff scheme.

Yours sincerely,

Question Title

* 1. Name of person filling out this form

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* 2. Email address of individual filling out this form

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* 3. Name and job title of signatory to add (Director level, ideally please)

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* 4. Name of company / organisation wishing to add its signature