1. Permbajtja e sondazhit/Survey Overview

100% of survey complete.

Qellimi i ketij sondazhi eshte qe te marri sa me shume informacione rreth ceshtjeve qe jane te rendesishme ne komunitetin shqiptar ne Massachusetts. Sondazhi ka kater pjese dhe mund te zgjasi rreth 10 minuta. Gjitashtu sondazhi eshte komplet anonim, dmth asnje nuk do te dije pergjigjet tuaja.
Pyetjet 1-7: Pyetje demografike (mosha, gjinia, etj)
Pyetja 8: Pyetje te pergjithshme.
Pyetja 9: Pyetje rreth MAASBESE-s: cfare mendon komuniteti per organizaten dhe si mund t'ju sherbejme sa me mire.
Pyetja 10: Komente tuaja.

The purpose of this survey is to gather information on what Albanians who live in Massachusetts think are the most important issues for the Community and MAASBESA to focus on.

The survey has four parts, will take you 10 minutes, and is anonymous -- no one will know who you are

Questions 1-7: Demographic Questions (Age, Sex, etc....)
Question 8: General Community Questions (what do people think are the most important activities and services), what types of events preferred, how often etc...)
Question 9: MAASBESA Questions (what people think of MAASBESA and how it can better serve the Albanian Community)
Question 10: Written Comments, if any

Question Title

* 1. Gjinia/Sex:

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* 2. Mosha/Age:

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* 3. Une jetoj/I live in:

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* 4. Une kam jetuar ne Amerike per/I have resided in the USA for:

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* 5. Une kam lindur ne/I was born in:

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* 6. Une e quaj veten time (ne rend te rendesise)/I identify myself as (based on order of importance to you)

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* 7. Shkollimi/Education

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* 8. Me nje shkalle renditje nga 1-5 ku 1 do te thote "pa rendesi" ose "nuk jam dakort" dhe 5 do te thote "me e rendesishmja" ose "plotesisht dakort" ju lutem pergjigjuni pyetjeve ne vijim persa i perket aktiviteve te komunitetit Shqiptar:

On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being "LEAST IMPORTANT" or "DISAGREE" and 5 being "MOST IMPORTANT" or "Strongly Agree" please answer the following regarding Albanian Community Activities:

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Komuniteti duhet te ndihmoje Shqiptaret me nevoja ekonomike/The Community should assist Albanians in economic need.
Komuniteti duhet te ndihmoje Shqiptaret e moshuar/The Community should assist Albanian elderly
Komuniteti duhet te ndihmoje shqiptaret e porsaardhur ne Massachussets/The Community should assist Albanian newcomers to Massachusetts
Komuniteti duhet te ndihmoje studentet shqiptare/The Community should assist Albanian students
Komuniteti duhet te ndihmoje njerez qe vijne nga Shqiperia dhe Kosova per trajtime mjeksore dhe forma te ndryshme ndihmash qe nuk e marrin dot ne vende te tjera./ The Community should assist people coming from Albania or Kosova for medical treatment and other forms of assistance they cannot receive overseas.
Komuniteti duhet te mbeshtesi mbremje letrare me shkrimtare Shqiptare/The Community should Support Literary Events featuring Albanian Writers
Komuniteti duhet te mbeshtesi ekspozita artistike me artiste shqiptare/The Community should Support Art Shows featuring Albanian Artists
Komuniteti duhet te mbeshtesi performanca me muzike dhe valle shqiptare me valletare dhe muzikante shqiptare/The Community should Support Music and Dance Performances featuring Albanian Musicians and Dancers
Komuniteti duhet te mbeshtesi evenimente me intelektuale shqiptare rreth ceshtjeve shqiptare/The Community should Support Events featuring speakers on Albanian Issues
Komuniteti duhet te mbeshtesi aktivitete sporti si futboll, basketball, tenis, etj/The Community should Support Events featuring sports such as Albanian Soccer, Basketball, Tennis
Festa e Pavarasise/Festa e Flamurit eshte nje eveniment me rendesi dhe duhet te festohet cdo vit/Albanian Independence/Flag Day is an important event to celebrate every year
Festa e Pavarsise se Kosoves eshte nje eveniment me rendesi dhe duhet te festohet cdo vit/Kosova Indepedence/Flag Day is an important event to celebrate every year
Festa e Vitit te Ri eshte nje eveniment me rendesi per shqiptaret dhe duhet te kete nje feste per tere komunitetin cdo vit/New Years is important to Albanians and their should be a Community-Wide New Year's Eve party every year
Mbremje argetuese me kercim dhe kokteje duhet te mbahen cdo 2-3 muaj qe te terheqin te rinjte/Dance Parties/Cocktail Parties should be held every 2-3 months to attract younger people to the Community
Piknike dhe evenimente te tjera qe terheqin femijet dhe familjaret duhet te mbahen cdo 2-3 muaj/Picnics and other Events that would attract children and families should be held every 2-3 months
Nuk me vjen keq qe femijet e mi do e humbasin traditen shqiptare/ It does not bother me that my kids will lose their Albanian Heritage.
Me vjen shume keq nqs femijet e mij mund te humbasin traditen shqiptare/It bothers me that my kids might lose their Albanian Heritage
Deshiroj qe femijet e mij te rregjistrohen te shkolla shqipe e mbajtur tashme te UMASS/I want my kids to attend the Albanian School currently at UMass-Boston
Do te doja ti coja femijet ne shkollen shqipe nese klasat mbaheshin afer baneses sime/ I would be willing to send my kids to Albanian School if classes are close to where I live
Do te isha i/e gatshem(e) te pagoja $150 ne vit per klasat e gjuhes shqipe per femijet e mi/I would be willing to pay $150 per year for Albanian classes for my children
Komuniteti duhet te bashkpunoje me organizata te tjera Shqiptare jashte Amerikes/The Community should work together with Albanian organizations overseas
Komuniteti duhet te bashkpunoj me organizata te tjera shqiptare ne Shtete e Bashkuara/The Community should work together with Albanian organizations elsewhere in the United States
Komuniteti duhet te bashkepunoj me organizata te tjera jo-shqiptare ne Massachusetts qe ti vene Shqiperine dhe Shqiptaret me ne dukshmeri/ The Community should work together with non-Albanian organizations in Massachusetts to make the Albanian Community better known and more visible
Bashkepunimi midis organizatave fetare dhe jo-fetare eshte e rendesishme/Cooperation between religious and non-religious Albanian organizations is important.
Bashkepunimi midis komuniteve te Worcesterit dhe Bostonit duhet te permiresohet/Cooperation between the Worcester and Boston Communities needs to be Improved
Themelimi i nje qendre komuniteti shqiptare eshte nje qellim i arritshem per 5-10 vitet e ardhshme/Establishing an Albanian Community is a realistic goal for the next 5-10 years
Qendra e Komunitetit Shqiptar duhet te vendoset ne Boston ose afer Bostonit/An Albanian Community Center should be established in or near Boston
Qendra e komunitetit Shqiptar duhet te vendoset ne Worcester ose afer Worcesterit/An Albanian Community Center should be established in or near Worcester
Une do te isha i interesuar te merrja pjese te aktivitetet e Qendres se komunitetit Shqiptar/ I would attend events and activities at an Albanian Community Center
Une do ta mbeshtesja financiarisht me sa te kisha mundesi themelimin e qendres se komunitetit Shqiptar/I would financially support the establishment of an Albanian Community Center

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* 9. Me nje shkalle renditje nga 1-5 ku 1 do te thote "pa rendesi" ose "nuk jam dakort" dhe 5 do te thote "me e rendesishmja" ose "plotesisht dakort" ju lutem pergjigjuni pyetjeve ne vijim persa i perket aktiviteve te MAASBESES:
On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being LEAST IMPORTANT or DISAGREE and 5 being MOST IMPORTANT or AGREE please answer the following regarding MAASBESA

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A
MAASBESA duhet ta bej komunikimin e saj me shume ne Shqip se sa ne Anglisht/MAASBESA needs to do more of its communications in Albanian and less in English
MAASBESA duhet te punoj me shume me kanalet televizive te Bostonit dhe Worcesterit/MAASBESA needs to work more closely with Worcester and Boston TV.
MAASBESA duhet te pregatisi nje report vjetor ose fletepalojse qe ta shperndaje me email ose me poste/MAASBESA should prepare an Annual Report/Brochure on its Activities to be Distributed by Email and Regular Mail
MAASBESA duhet te perdori me shume Facebook-un/MAASBESA needs to make better use of Facebook
Emailat e MAASBESES duhet te vijne te pakten nje here ne muaj per te na informuar me mire/MAASBESA newsletters should come out at least once per month to keep people better informed
E kam pare faqen e internetit te MAASBESES te pakten nje here ne vit/I have visited the MAASBESA web-site in the past year.
Faqja e internetit te MAASBESES eshte shume informative dhe e dobishme/The MAASBESA web-site is informative and useful.
I lexoj emailat e MassAlbanians dhe mendoj se jane shume informative dhe te dobishem/I read Massalbanians emails and I think they are useful and informative.
Grupi i Valleve Bashkimi eshte nje pjese e rendesishme e MAASBESES/The Bashkimi Dance Group is an Important Part of MAASBESA.
Shkolla Shqipe eshte nje pjese e rendesishme e MAASBESES/The Albanian School is an Important Part of MAASBESA.
Fondi i ndihmave te Shqiptarve ne Massachusetts (i cili perdoret per ndihmen ndaj femijeve Gashi nga Kosova per trajtime te djegieve te spitali Shriners) eshte nje pjese e rendesishme e Maasbeses./ The Massachusetts Albanian Assistance Fund (presently used to support the Gashi Children from Kosova for treatment for burns at Shriners' Hospital) is an important part of MAASBESA
MAASBESA ben nje pune te mire duke organizuar festa dhe aktivitete/MAASBESA does a good job of organizing events and activities
MAASBESA duhet te organizoje akoma me shume festa dhe aktivitete/MAASBESA should organize more events and activities than it currently organizes
MAASBESA eshte e perzgjedhur dhe aktivitetet e saj jane vetem per nje pjese te popullesise Shqiptare/MAASBESA is elitist and its events only appeal to a small portion of the Albanian Community
Mbledhjet e fondeve duhet te perqendrohen te cmimi i anetaresimit/Fundraising Efforts should focus on Membership Dues
Mledhjet e fondeve duhet te perqendrohen te sponsorizimi i bizneseve/Fundraising Efforts should focus on Business Sponsors
Mbledhjet e fondeve duhet te perqendrohen te perdorimi i faqes se internetit per te promovuar sponsorizimin e bizneseve/Fundraising Efforts should focus on using the MAASBESA web-site to promote Business Sponsors
Mbledhjet e fondeve duhet te perqendrohen ne evenimente ku shiten bileta, ankand artikujsh, dhe kontribute/Fundraising Efforts should focus on events that include ticket sales, auction items, and donations
Une jam i gatshem ti dhuroj MAASBESES 1) Zero, 2)$25 3) $50, 4)$100, 5)$100+ ne vit/I am willing to donate to MAASBESA: (1) Zero; (2) $25; (3) $50; (4) $100; (5) $100+ per year
Cmimi i anetaresimit vjetor per MAASBESEN duhet te jete 1) Zero 2)$25, 3)$50 4)$100 5)$100+/ Annual Membership Dues for MAASBESA should be: (1) Zero; (2) $25; (3) $50; (4) $100; (5) $100+ per year
Une punoj ne nje kompani e cila dhuron te njejten shume qe dhuroj une te MAASBESA dhe une jam i gatshem te dhuroj/I work at a company which would match any donation I make to MAASBESA and I am willing to donate to MAASBESA
Pjesmarrja, menaxhimi dhe udheheqja/ Participation, management and leadership:
Ne pergjithesi shqiptaret nuk jane shume te dhene pas komunitetit dhe do te ishte e veshtire te nxisje njerez te benin pune vullnetare dhe te ndihmonin komunitetin/In general, Albanians are not very "community-minded" and it is difficult to get people to volunteer to help and assist the Community
Jam i/e gatshem (e) te jem me i/e angazhuar te MAASBESA dhe te ndihmoj me eveniment dhe aktivitete./I am willing to get more involved in MAASBESA and help organize events and activities
MAASBESA punon mire me organizata te tjera Shqiptare ne Massachusetts/MAASBESA works well with other Albanian organizations in Massachusetts
MAASBESA punon mire me organizata te tjera jo-shqiptare ne Massachusetts/MAASBESA works well with non-Albanian organizations in Massachusetts
MAASBESA duhet te jete me e hapur per njerez te rinj qe duan te jene akitve/MAASBESA needs to be more open to new people who want to be active
MAASBESA-es i duhet nje udheheqje e re/MAASESA needs new leadership
Anetaret e MAASBESES qe paguajne $25 per anetarsim duhet te marrin cmime e reduktuara per aktivetet e organizuara nga Maasbesa/MAASBESA Members who pay the $25 Membership Dues should receive discounts on prices for local events

Question Title

* 10. Ketu mund te shkruani ndonje koment qe keni per komunitetin Shqiptar ne Massachusetts dhe/ose per punen e Maasbeses. Please write any written comments here that you might have about the Albanian Community of Massachusetts and/or MAASBESA