1. A survey considering perceptions of Lean in health care

25% of survey complete.
The surveys initial phase was open to January 1 2011 and the second phase is currently open. The survey is not very long at 14 questions and will take approximately 10 – 15 minutes; most questions are multiple choice and a few require a short answer.

The purpose of the survey, as part of a Doctoral research project being conducted by Steven Bradt, is to investigate perceptions regarding the application of Lean in health care. The goal is to better understand the context which drive perceptions concerning Lean's application.

Perceptions about the use of "tools" in health care can influence how people respond and react to the application of Lean.

This research supports Dr David Bamford and his research focus in health care and knowledge transfer at Manchester Business School (MBS) and will potentially add value to research from international academic institutions and organizations.

The results and subsequent paper(s) will be made available to all individuals and their organizations as part of participating in the survey.

Special Thanks to: Dr. David Bamford (MBS), David Butler (Atos Consulting), Dr. Maria Gilgeous, Mark Graban (Author: Lean Hospitals), Sue Herrick (Telford & Wrekin Council), Brian Hudson (St. Elizabeth Regional Health), Karl Kraebber (St. John's Hospital), Dr. Nathan Proudlove (MBS), Dr. Zoe Radnor (Warick Business School), and Dr. Brian Squire (MBS)

Any summary data or individual comments may be included in the research paper(s). By completing the survey, you release all rights to use such information for this research. Personal information will not be distributed, released, sold or used without written consent.

I will only use email addresses for the purpose of the research to 1) thank the respondent for participating 2) communications relating to the research 3) distribution of the survey results and papers

Please send any comments to scbradt@gmail.com