Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your interest in housing?

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* 2. In which region are you located?

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the current demand and supply conditions for dwellings, in your location, how would you rate the market?

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about the rental market in your location, please indicate the extent to which each dwelling type is in shortage or surplus.

  Major Shortage Minor Shortage Equilibrium Minor Surplus Major Surplus
1-2 Bedroom Low-Priced Dwellings
1-2 Bedroom Medium-Priced Dwellings
1-2 Bedroom High-Priced Dwellings
3 Bedroom Low-Priced Dwellings
3 Bedroom Medium-Priced Dwellings
3 Bedroom High-Priced Dwellings
4+ Bedroom Low-Priced Dwellings
4+ Bedroom Medium-Priced Dwellings
4+ Bedroom High-Priced Dwellings

Question Title

* 5. Thinking about the ownership market in your location, please indicate the extent to which each dwelling type is in shortage or surplus.

  Major Shortage Minor Shortage Equilibrium Minor Surplus Major Surplus
1-2 Bedroom Low-Priced Dwellings
1-2 Bedroom Medium-Priced Dwellings
1-2 Bedroom High-Priced Dwellings
3 Bedroom Low-Priced Dwellings
3 Bedroom Medium-Priced Dwellings
3 Bedroom High-Priced Dwellings
4+ Bedroom Low-Priced Dwellings
4+ Bedroom Medium-Priced Dwellings
4+ Bedroom High-Priced Dwellings

Question Title

* 6. Government Regional Officers' Housing (GROH) is state-funded housing provided to employees of the state government (e.g. teachers, police, doctors). Thinking about the GROH market in your location, please indicate the extent to which each dwelling type is in shortage or surplus.

  Major Shortage Minor Shortage Equilibrium Minor Surplus Major Surplus
1-2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
4+ Bedroom

Question Title

* 7. The public housing market is state-funded housing for low-income, aged and disabled tenants.Thinking about the public housing market in your location, please indicate the extent to which each dwelling type is in shortage or surplus.

  Major Shortage Minor Shortage Equilibrium Minor Surplus Major Surplus
1-2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
4+ Bedroom

Question Title

* 8. Thinking about the market for short-term worker accomodation, please indicate the extent to which each dwelling type is in shortage or surplus.

  Major shortage Minor shortage Equilibrium Minor surplus Major surplus
1-2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
4+ Bedroom

Question Title

* 9. Thinking about the different types of dwellings in your location, how would you rate the quality of each type of dwelling?

  Very poor Poor Average Good Excellent
1-2 bedroom dwellings
3 bedroom dwellings
4+ four bedroom dwellings
Affordable housing
Independent seniors' housing
Low-care seniors' housing
High-care seniors' housing
Low-care housing for disabled people
High-care housing for disabled people

Question Title

* 10. Research has shown that a large proportion of the dwelling stock in the South West can be unoccupied. What do you think the primary reason(s) are for this in your location?

Question Title

* 11. Are there any barriers for developers to provide new dwellings in your location, and if so, what would they be?

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* 12. How easy, or difficult, do you think it is to obtain mortgage financing for affordable homes?

Question Title

* 13. How would you rate the supply of vacant land that is available to develop, in your location?

Question Title

* 14. Thinking about the different types of people who might be looking for a dwelling to rent, how easy, or difficult, do you think renting is for each of the following, in your location?

  Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult
Independent seniors
Seniors requiring low care
Seniors requiring high care
Disabled people requiring low care
Disabled people requiring high care
Couples with children
Single-parent families
Low-income households
Government Regional Officers (GROH)
Skilled Workers

Question Title

* 15. How would you rate the provision of care, and facilities, for seniors in your town/city?

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* 16. How would you rate the provision of care, and facilities, for disabled people in your town/city?

Question Title

* 17. Thinking about population projections in your town, how would you estimate the rate of growth or decline over the next 5-10 years?

Question Title

* 18. Some issues have been suggested in regards to housing, in the South West Region, over the next 5-10 years. From your personal perspective, how would you rate the importance of the following issues?

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority Very High Priority
Providing affordable housing
Stimulating demand to meet the current housing stock
Increasing housing stock to meet future demand
Providing one and two bedroom dwellings
Providing dwellings with more than three bedrooms
Reduce restrictive regulations
Providing incentives to developers
Reducing the costs to build dwellings
Providing seniors housing
Providing accessible housing for disabled residents

Question Title

* 19. The results of this survey are anonymous. However, it would help if you could leave your name or email address, so we know who has responded.