Question Title

* 1. Class

Question Title

* 2. Answer YES or NO to the following statements:

  Yes No
This class should be a required class. All students should have to take this class in order to graduate.
What I learn in this class will help me in the future.
My teacher tries to make learning fun and engaging.
This class has helped me so that when I graduate I will be prepared to compete in a global economy.
In this class I am taught to use computers and the internet in a responsible way.
In this class I work with other students in class to solve problems.
In this class we do lots of hands-on activities.
In this class I am expected to use computers and the internet to help me learn.
In this class my teacher encourages me to use many resources when solving problems.
My teacher encourages me to explore different careers.
I can apply what I learn in this class to my everyday life.
My teacher respects me.
I can share my academic problems and concerns with my teacher.
I feel like I could talk to my teacher about personal issues.
My teacher often lets me know how I am doing in class.
My teacher cares about me.
My teacher knows my interests outside of school.
My teacher enjoys what she teaches.
My classmates encourage others to do their best.
I encourage others to do their best.
Good character is recognized in this class.
In class we discuss and solve problems that have more than one answer.
Instruction in this class is student-centered and not only the teacher talks.
My reading and writing skills are important in this class.
When I struggle in this class I receive the support I need to be successful.
It is clear how I am graded in this class.
If I was given more challenging work in this class, I would do it.
This class has high expectations for me.
My teacher uses assignments, tests, and quizzes to adjust instruction.
I am encouraged to think by my teacher.
I am expected to apply my learning in this class to my everyday life.
This class will help me be prepared for college.
My ideas are important to my teacher.
My teacher listens to my concerns.
Poor student performance is not tolerated in this class and assistance is provided to students who struggle.
Writing is encouraged every day in this class.
The Big Idea/Purpose is posted in this class.
I enjoy this class.
In this class I am expected to use computers and the internet to help me learn.

Question Title

* 3. Please list anything that should be taught in this class that is currently not being taught.

Question Title

* 4. Please list anything that IS being taught in this class that you believe should NOT be taught. Please explain why.

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* 5. Please comment on anything else that is on your mind. This is your chance to voice your opinion anonymously.

Question Title

* 6. If I could grade my teacher, this is what she would have earned for teaching this class: