Thank you for your willingness to help with this project. As a mother of two with cystic fibrosis (ages 14 and 12), my own "newly diagnosed" experience was very difficult. Now, as a professional family life educator and a master's student, I hope to help other families through this time with tools and resources I didn't have. But I need your help! My experience is simply one person's.

Rationale For This Project

Research shows that:
• Families have a powerful influence on health, equal to traditional medical risk factors.
• Emotional support is the most important and influential type of support.
• Negative, critical, or hostile family relationships are the most damaging.
• Family psychoeducation interventions help in the prevention or treatment of physical disorders.
(Campbell, 2003, The effectiveness of family interventions for physical disorders)

A study by Bartholomew (1997) found, in a randomized controlled trial, that children and adolescents with CF who received psychoeducation reported improved overall health. According to Campbell (2003), this study suggests: “That family psychoeducation may actually be able to extend the lives of those who suffer from CF.”

WOW! I don't know about you but this excites me. Education is doable! :-) Family psychoeducation sounds kind of scary but basically, it simply addresses family relationships, how members are affected by illness, and teaches problem-solving, communication, and coping skills.

So, the goal of this program is to teach parents, caregivers and other family members the skills and tools to effectively cope with the many challenges of facing a new CF diagnosis.

Your answers to the following questions as well as your comments and ideas will help me to do a good job in planning and creating a program that will truly meet the needs of parents. Thank you.

PS: As you think about all of the survey questions, please frame your answers from an educational perspective (keeping in mind that there are many ways of educating including traditional instruction methods, facilitation, role plays, group discussion, etc.).

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following areas in how important you think it is for helping you COPE EFFECTIVELY throughout your child's lifespan. "Coping" refers to the thoughts and actions we use to deal with stress and problems.

  Don't Know Not important Slightly important Mostly important Very Important
Advocacy Skills- how to speak up; how to solve problems
Child development- understanding ages and stages of child development
Communication skills (with medical team, family members, schools, etc.)
Couple relationship coping and communication skills
Developmentally-based transition planning starting at diagnosis
Disease knowledge- The nuts and bolts of CF pathology
Emotional Intelligence: Parents coping with own emotions, child's emotions, etc.
Family resiliency (building protective factors and mitigating risk factors)
Family life cycle- the stages of family life and how CF impacts normal development
Medical care knowledge- Proper care, technique, medications, etc.
Organizational skills including managing medications, time management, and record-keeping
Parenting Skills including parenting styles and child discipline
Stress management skills
Support- getting and maintaining a support network
Teaching and communicating with children about CF including how to discuss difficult issues like life expectancy

Question Title

* 2. What do you think is MOST important for EFFECTIVE COPING? Please rank the categories with 1 being the most important.

Question Title

* 3. Family life education is about looking forward and preventing foreseeable problems. Please rate the following areas in how important you think it is to helping you to maintain GOOD MEDICAL ADHERENCE throughout your child's lifespan:

  Don't Know Not important Slightly important Mostly important Very important
Advocacy Skills- how to speak up; how to solve problems
Child development- understanding ages and stages of child development
Communication skills (with medical team, family members, schools, etc.)
Couple relationship coping and communication skills
Developmentally-based transition planning starting at diagnosis
Disease knowledge- The nuts and bolts of CF pathology
Emotional Intelligence: Parents coping with own emotions, child's emotions, etc.
Family resiliency (building protective factors and mitigating risk factors)
Family life cycle- the stages of family life and how CF impacts normal development
Medical care knowledge- Proper care, technique, medications, etc.
Organizational skills including managing medications, time management, and record-keeping
Parenting Skills including parenting styles and child discipline
Stress management skills
Support- getting and maintaining a support network
Teaching and communicating with children about CF including how to discuss difficult issues like life expectancy

Question Title

* 4. What do you think is MOST important for helping you maintain GOOD MEDICAL ADHERENCE ? Please rank the categories with 1 being the most important.

Question Title

* 5. Research shows that all of these categories are important for families dealing with illness. However, time is limited for coursework so it's critical to teach the most important topics first. Please rank how important you think each topic would be for a class for NEWLY DIAGNOSED families (within the first year of diagnosis) to help set them on a "good path".

  Don't Know Not important in a ND class Slightly important in a ND class Mostly important in a ND class Very important in a ND class
Advocacy Skills- how to speak up; how to solve problems
Child development- understanding ages and stages of child development
Communication skills (with medical team, family members, schools, etc.)
Couple relationship coping and communication skills
Developmentally-based transition planning starting at diagnosis
Disease knowledge- The nuts and bolts of CF pathology
Emotional Intelligence: Parents coping with own emotions, child's emotions, etc.
Family resiliency (building protective factors and mitigating risk factors)
Family life cycle- the stages of family life and how CF impacts normal development
Medical care knowledge- Proper care, technique, medications, etc.
Organizational skills including managing medications, time management, and record-keeping
Parenting Skills including parenting styles and child discipline
Stress management skills
Support- getting and maintaining a support network
Teaching and communicating with children about CF including how to discuss difficult issues like life expectancy

Question Title

* 6. Please rank how well your CF clinic does/did at educating you WITHIN THE FIRST YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS in the following areas. For rankings of "not addressed" or "slightly addressed", please briefly explain why.

  Don't Know Not addressed Slightly addressed Mostly addressed Very addressed
Advocacy Skills- how to speak up; how to solve problems
Child development- understanding ages and stages of child development
Communication skills (with medical team, family members, schools, etc.)
Couple relationship coping and communication skills
Developmentally-based transition planning starting at diagnosis
Disease knowledge- The nuts and bolts of CF pathology
Emotional Intelligence: Parents coping with own emotions, child's emotions, etc.
Family resiliency (building protective factors and mitigating risk factors)
Family life cycle- the stages of family life and how CF impacts normal development
Medical care knowledge- Proper care, technique, medications, etc.
Organizational skills including managing medications, time management, and record-keeping
Parenting Skills including parenting styles and child discipline
Stress management skills
Support- getting and maintaining a support network
Teaching and communicating with children about CF including how to discuss difficult issues like life expectancy

Question Title

* 7. If you were to design a class for Newly Diagnosed parents:

Question Title

* 8. Please complete the following:

Question Title

* 9. This survey is the first step in creating a research-based program for Newly Diagnosed CF Parents. If you would be interested in the results of this survey and/or my final program curriculum, please send me your contact information (which will be kept strictly confidential) at You can also call me at (425) 891-2842. Thank you for your time and interest. And from one CF parent to another, I wish you all the best. Take Care, Lisa Greene

PS: Please share your thoughts, comments, and ideas in the space below.