SNIA Tutorial Submissions for SPDEcon

Thank you for your interest in submitting a tutorial proposal for SPDEcon (Storage Plumbing and Data Engineering Conference).

Specifically differentiated from both SNW and Storage Developer Conference (SDC), SNIA’s new storage industry event, the Storage Plumbing and Data Engineering Conference (SPDEcon, pronounced “Speedy-con”), is targeted for “hardcore” storage development and data engineering experts whose positions may involve configuring, integrating, and supporting storage and data management solutions – often referred to as the “storage plumbing.”

Sessions planned such as those listed below should provide insights into such technology areas as file systems, IO, storage system tuning and performance enhancement. Presentations on development of in-house software and augmenting open source software for storage and data infrastructure are planned. Topic submissions covering concepts pioneering state-of-the-art storage and data management, piloted in a deployment cycle of design, building and testing are also being solicited.

Information on SNIA Tutorials:

SNIA Tutorials are jointly owned by the SNIA and the author. They are produced, branded, and delivered by the SNIA and their approved tutorial authors. These vendor-neutral presentations are used or adapted for SNW, recognized at many industry events, and presented at other events worldwide.

Answering this call requires an abstract with the intent to develop the abstract into a full presentation, meeting the guidelines and requirements of the SNIA Tutorial program outlined in the the "FAQ for SNIA Tutorials"

Important Dates:

  • Conference Dates: June 10-12, 2013
  • Location: Santa Clara, CA
  • Deadline for proposal submissions: Extended to March 25, 2013
  • Notification: April 22, 2013
  • Deadline for final presentations: May 28, 2013

Please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Contact information of presenter, moderator, co-presenter
  • Biography of presenter, moderator, co-presenter(125 words maximum)
  • Presentation Title
  • Abstract (150 words) written for the intended audience to include 2 - 3 learning objectives
  • Co-presenter. One co-presenter per session is permitted by co-presenter registering and paying a discounted fee of $450.00 (whether attending all or part of the conference). This also includes access to all presentations and meals during the conference. Any special considerations or requests for exceptions to this must be directed to
  • Acknowledgement. At the end of the submission form you will be asked to read and agree to the terms stated in the FAQ for SNIA Tutorials.