
The San Francisco Bay Guardian is pleased to salute small businesses and recognize local merchants who are creating jobs, keeping neighborhoods lively and contributing to the community. This year, for the 1st time, three Small Business Readers Choice Awards will be given.

Favorite small business retailer.
Favorite small business restaurant.
Favorite small business that contributes to the community.

Our 2011 Small Business Awards Issue hits stands May 4th. Voting will end at midnight on April 23rd. To qualify as a small business they must employ no more than 100 people. One entry per person, please.

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* 1. Please provide a valid email address to register.
Registration is our way of ensuring that the contest is fair and accurate.

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* 2. Favorite small business retailer.

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* 3. Favorite small business restaurant.

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* 4. Favorite small business that contributes to the community. In 100 words or less tell us the name of your favorite small business and how they give back to the community.