SNEB Credentialing Task Force Survey

At present, there are no nationally recognized core competencies for nutrition educators. Therefore, people are able to practice in the field with very different sets of qualifications. As the primary professional association of nutrition educators, we think it is SNEB’s responsibility to open up a conversation regarding the following:

• Whether there should be an accreditation process for individual academic institutions that offer nutrition education programs at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels.

• Whether there should be a credentialing process for individuals as nutrition educators via a national exam.

• Whether SNEB should take the leadership role in either of the above endeavors and/or partner with other professional associations.

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your primary professional responsibilities (check all that apply):

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* 2. What are your credentials?

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* 3. There is a need to "regulate" the nutrition education profession and the delivery of its services via some type of certification program.

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* 4. Such certification is best administered at the level of the academic institution (e.g., CADE accredited dietetics programs)

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* 5. Such certification is best administered at the level of the individual (e.g., as with Certified Diabetes Educators and Community Health Educator Specialist)

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* 6. I would benefit professionally from a Nutrition Educator certification.

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* 7. I would become certified if such an opportunity was made available.

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* 8. SNEB should take a leadership role in such an endeavor.

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* 9. SNEB should investigate partnering with other professional organizations in this endeavor.

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* 10. We welcome any additional comments here (including if you would be interested in volunteering your time to these endeavors please provide us with your name, affiliation, contact email and phone.)