Question Title

Thank you for being part of the GACU Good to Great Sports Coaching Conference. Please take 5 minutes to give us your feedback on how you feel the day went, and what you have taken from it.

Question Title

* 1. How did you hear about this event?

Please rate each section of the conference

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* 2. Keynote speaker (Wayne Goldsmith)

  Poor Average Good Excellent
Relevance to you
Learnt something new

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* 3. Q & A session (Sir Graham Henry)

  Poor Average Good Excellent
Relevance to you
Learnt something new

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* 4. High Performance Panel Session

  Poor Average Good Excellent
Relevance to you
Learnt something new

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* 5. Practical Workshop

  Poor Average Good Excellent
Relevance to you
Learnt something new

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* 6. What in your opinion is the best way for you to learn and develop as a coach?

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* 7. What is the best way we can get information to you from the workshops you couldn't attend today?

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* 8. Are you interested in your coaching manager from your local RST contacting you regarding upcoming development sessions?

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* 9. If you are interested in being contacted please fill out your details:

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* 10. Would you like a certificate of attendance from the GACU Good to Great Sports Conference?

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* 11. Please comment on any other aspect of the conference