Question Title

* 1. Please give us the following information, so we know that all students have completed this survey:

Question Title

* 2. Please answer the following questions:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. I would tell my friends from my old school to come to Suffolk One
2. The classroom atmosphere was good for learning
3. I received clear guidance from teachers on what I need to do to improve my work
4. I received sufficiently helpful feedback on my work
5. I had the opportunity to discuss progress with teachers when I needed to
6. I know what my target grades are in my subjects
7. Teachers gave me a clear idea of what I needed to do next to improve in my subjects
8. I feel teachers have helped me to become more independent
9. I received helpful guidance from the college about my options after Suffolk One
10.I worked hard at Suffolk One
11.I enjoyed my time at Suffolk One