1. Welcome

25% of survey complete.
Dear Participant,

I am a professor in the school of human communication at Arizona State University. I am conducting a research study of the major research mysteries that characterize the communication discipline. I am inviting your participation, which will involve filling out this short questionnaire and submitting your responses electronically. Your participation would take approximately 4 minutes.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. You can skip any questions if you wish. If you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, there will be no penalty. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this study.

Your participation in this study would help researchers in the communication discipline to understand better the major questions that characterize our field. If you feel uncomfortable about any of the questions you are asked, you can feel free to skip those questions. There are no other foreseeable risks of your participation.

Everything you say in this questionnaire will be completely confidential. You will never be asked to provide your name or any other identifying information. The results of the study may be used in presentations or publications but only the combined results from all participants will be used. Your individual data will never be singled out and no information about your identity will ever be used.

If you have any questions concerning the research study, please feel free to contact me at: kory@asu.edu. If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this research or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Chair of the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board through the ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, at 480-965-6788.

Filling out and returning this questionnaire will be considered as signifying your consent to participate.


Kory Floyd