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* 1. From your perspective, what are the three most important concepts the public should understand about human services and your field? For each concept, please explain in one or two concise sentences:

(i) why is it important, and
(ii) what would happen if the public "got" the concept (i.e. how would people think and/or act differently)?

Question Title

* 2. Fast forward 50 years and imagine that all the goals you have for the field of human services have been achieved. What are the four or five most important changes that have occurred?

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* 3. If your field was successful at communicating what it does and why it's important to the public, what would you see happen? What are three or four outcomes that would provide evidence of a successful communications effort?

Question Title

* 4. Please enter your name, title, organization, and contact info to be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card.