Question Title

* 1. In the past year, have you attended a public meeting on town or school affairs?

Question Title

* 2. In the past year, have you participated in a political speech, rally or protest?

Question Title

* 3. How much do you trust your government?

Question Title

* 4. In the past year, have you volunteered for a local organization?

Question Title

* 5. Do you or have you ever belong(ed) to any of the following (choose all that apply)?

  Yes, currently Yes, in the past No, never
Church, Synagogue, Mosque or Other Religious Organization
On-Campus Club or Organization
Off-Campus Club or Organization
Athletic Club
Sports Team
Online Communities Other Than Facebook

Question Title

* 6. When living at home with family, how often did/do you eat dinner together?

Question Title

* 7. Respond to the following statements:

  Yes No Not Sure
When I was growing up, I knew most of my neighbors
Currently, I know most of my neighbors
My family frequently socializes with our neighbors
Growing up, I spent many hours each day outside
Currently, I spend lots of free time outside
When I have free time, I tend to go online
I spend as much or more time with my friends online as I do with them in person
I am uncomfortable if I am away from my phone or internet for too long
I give my friends my full attention when we are together
I like meeting new people in person
I prefer interacting with people virtually
Virtual communication is more efficient than face-to-face communication
The digital world is increasing our sense of local community
The digital world is increasing our sense of global community
The digital world is driving a wedge between people locally
The digital world is driving a wedge between people globally

Question Title

* 8. Most people can be trusted

Question Title

* 9. How old are you?

If your participation in this survey triggered any specific ideas or questions that you would like to share, feel free to post them on Third Planet!