Have your voice heard at an international level.

I've been lucky enough to be invited as one of 30 Australian Youth delegates to attend the Commonwealth Youth Forum at the end of October and am 1 of only 2 South Australian delegates. Australian Delegates will be joined by international youth delegates from other commonwealth nations in Fremantle for a week to learn about the Commonwealth, debate issues to be progressed to world leaders at Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and benefit from skills-building sessions during the Forum. This survey will be used to inform the ideas and arguments I present at CYF so the more detail you can provide the better.

It's important to me to take on and be informed by the feelings and ideas of as many young people as possible. I'm just one person so I can only truly speak for myself but the more ideas and stories shared with me the more likely it is that my voice can represent or at the very least shed light on the diversity of our voices.

This survey can obviously only capture a small snapshot and quite a narrow one at that, if you have issues that are close to you and you want heard, you can email me longer and more detailed answers to: alysha_herrmann85@hotmail.com.

I may struggle to reply to everyone but I will read all submissions sent to me.

Thank you for caring enough to fill this out.

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* 1. Please indicate which age bracket you fit within:

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* 2. Please indicate which area you identify with (either where you currently live or where you grew up whichever you feel most fits your view of 'you')

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* 3. Which of the following are of most interest to you?

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* 4. What are the 3 biggest issues facing your community? And why? (the more detail you provide the more helpful your answers will be in informing the ideas presented)

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* 5. What do you think is an issue of global concern and why? Or do you think the above issues facing your community has impact at a global level?

(the more detail you provide the more helpful your answers will be in informing the ideas presented)

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* 6. Anything else you'd like to share or you think I should know to inform my time at the Commonwealth Youth Forum and how I'm representing you?