1. Dewey Decimal Classification 23rd edition

This survey was set up to collect orders for a potential bulk buy of the newly released DDC23.

The list price for the 4 volume DDC23 is $399.
OCLC is offering a 10% discount on copies ordered by July 1, 2011
If we order 50 copies we can get each copy for $319.20
If we order 250 copies we can get each copy for $299.25

We will collect orders until May 15, 2011. If we get orders for at least 50 copies we will place the order and have the books shipped to the NHSL for redistribution via van delivery. If not, libraries will still have time to purchase DDC23 at the 10% early order discount.

Questions about this should be directed to Mary Russell at the NH State Library (271-2866)

NOTE: By completing this survey you are placing an order for the number of copies you indicate. If the minimum for a bulk buy is reached (50 copies) these copies will be ordered and you will be billed the full cost of your order.

Question Title

1. What is the name of the library you are ordering for?

Question Title

2. What is your library's HSA code?

Question Title

3. What is your name?

Question Title

4. What is your email address?

Question Title

5. How many copies of DDC23 do you want (at $319.20 each)? Note that if the minimum for a bulk buy is reached these copies will be ordered and you will be billed the full cost of your order.

Question Title

6. What is your van delivery address? Please provide the complete address formatted as it should appear on a van delivery slip. Libraries who don't provide a van address will have to pick up their books at the NHSL during open hours.