
In order to better serve the Multitype members of the South Central Library System, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. We really appreciate your input!

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the contact information for your library.

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* 2. Library website address

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* 3. If your library uses a blog, Twitter, Facebook, or other social networking software, please share them.

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* 4. What topics or subjects does your library specialize in?

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* 5. Who is the primary audience of your library?

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* 6. Do you provide services to the general public?

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* 7. Do you provide services to other libraries?

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* 8. Are you an SCLS Multitype member?

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* 9. Do you subscribe to the Multitype email list?

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* 10. Do you know about the Mulitype (MALC) Library Scholarship?

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* 11. What services can SCLS help you with?

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* 12. How can SCLS help you connect with other librarians and share your knowledge and resources?