1. Part One

Question Title

* 1. Please read the statements below and indicate how much you agree or disagree. There is no right or wrong answer and you won’t be graded on this in any way – just be as honest as you can!

  Never Once in a while Sometimes Often All the time
I use video cameras
I use video editing software
I use photo cameras
I use computers
I create music or use audio equipment
I surf the Internet to find information
I use email
I create webpages

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the statements below.

  Don't agree Agree a little Somewhat agree Agree a lot Completely agree
I try not to argue with others
I am someone who works hard
When I fail at something, I try it again
I care about whether I'm on time
I like to tell stories
I am comfortable speaking in front of a group of people
I use a schedule to organize my appointments
I plan out each part of a project at the beginning
I am more interested in a career in media/journalism than in any other path
I know about a range of jobs available in media/ journalism
I am interested in doing any kind of internship to get work experience

Question Title

* 3. What job skill or ability would you particularly like to improve and why?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the following statements.

  Don't agree Agree a little Somewhat agree Agree a lot Completely agree
I feel that others look to me for advice
I feel that others usually respect and admire me
I often am the one directing and leading projects
When someone tells me something I don't understand, I ask them to explain
I am comfortable expressing my own ideas and opinions
I believe I can be successful in whatever work I choose to do
I usually feel as smart as others
I do my best at school
I plan to attend college

Question Title

* 5. What things in yourself would you like to improve and why?

Question Title

* 6. What really great things about yourself would you like others to know about and why?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following statements.

  Don't agree Agree a little Somewhat agree Agree a lot Completely agree
I have worked or volunteered for organizations serving people in Cambridge
I am interested in what is happening in my community
I have worked with other to improve my community

Question Title

* 8. What things about your community would you work to improve and why?

Question Title

* 9. What really great things about your community would you like other to know about and why?