Michele Bachmann as a Presidential Candidate

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* 1. This week we are focusing on Michele Bachmann as a 2012 presidential candidate. Please say whether you warm or cool towards her for the following reasons:

  Warm towards her Cool towards her Don't know
She was only elected to Congress in 2006
She represents the heart of the Tea Party
Her professional background as an attorney
She is an evangelical Christian
She currently represents a district in the swing state of Minnesota
Her conservative views on the big issues such as taxes, Medicare, and health care
A mother of five children and foster mother of twenty-three children
She opposes abortion
She is a strong friend of Israel, and worked on a kibbutz straight after high school
Her opposition to same-sex marriage
She opposes Obama's healthcare plan
She opposed the bailouts
She's a bit like Sarah Palin
She has never been a Governor or Senator, just a Representative
She has little foreign policy experience