1. Fun with Foods Clover Kids Leader Survey

Thank you for using the "Fun with Food and Nutrition" lesson with your Clover Kids members. This is the first time that Iowa 4-H has utilized the Layar technology and we would like to have your opinion on this experience. Thank you for experimenting with us.

Question Title

* 1. Clover Kids Members - Tell us about the children with whom you used this lesson.

Question Title

* 2. Before completing the "Fun with Food and Nutrition" lesson, how well could your Clover Kids members:

  No knowledge Below Average Knowledge Average Knowledge Above Average Knowledge Expert Knowledge N/A or Do not know
Identify grains
Identify vegetables
Identify fruits
Identify dairy foods
Identify protein/meats
Create a healthy meal with all 5 food groups
Utilize an iPad or smart device
Utilize technology in an educational manner

Question Title

* 3. After completing the "Fun with Food and Nutrition" lesson, how well can your Clover Kids members:

  No knowledge Below Average Knowledge Average Knowledge Above Average Knowledge Expert Knowledge
Identify grains
Identify vegetables
Identify fruits
Identify dairy foods
Identify protein/meats
Create a healthy meal with all 5 food groups
Utilize an iPad or smart device
Utilize technology in an educational manner

Question Title

* 4. How useful was the technology utlitized in this lesson?
Please rate each item with '1' being not helpful to '5' being very helpful.

  1 - Not helpful 2 - 3 - Helpful 4 5 - Very helpful
Directions on using Layar
Links to various Choose MyPlate websites
Links to videos and songs
Resources List
Using technology to teach the Food Groups

Question Title

* 5. What were the most important things that were covered in this lesson?

Question Title

* 6. What did you wish was covered during this lesson?

Question Title

* 7. What other areas you would like to see covered in Clover Kids lessons. For each area mark whether lessons are not needed, lessons should be in a regular paper format, or if lessons should be in the Layar format. If you have any other ideas, please include them in the "Other" space.

  1 - Not Needed 2 - Regular Lesson Format 4 - Layar Format
Consumer Management
Home Improvement
Plant Science/Horticulture
Visual Art

Question Title

* 8. How can we help you succeed in your role as a 4-H Clover Kids Leader? (training topics, 'tools' needed, etc.)

Question Title

* 9. Comments/Suggestions (Comments and suggestions from Clover Kids members are also welcome.)

Question Title

* 10. If you would be willing to participate in a focus group telling us about your experiences, please fill out the information below. Your contact information will only be shared with the Clover Kids Curriculum Team.