Core questions

Thank you for participating in the survey. There are 17 substantive questions, all are optional, and individual replies will be kept anonymous.

Question Title

1. How do you assess the overall condition of the U.S. economy right now?

  Strong and growing Strong with uncertain growth Mixed Facing recession Weak and recessing N/A
Select One

Question Title

2. Is the U.S. economy doing better or worse than official government statistics show?

  Better Same Worse N/A
Select One

Question Title

3. What are the prospects for the following over the next 3 years (in the U.S. unless stated otherwise)?

  Increasing strongly Increasing About the same Decreasing Decreasing strongly Don't Know / Not Applicable
Global output
Stock market
Interest rates (real)
Budget deficit
GDP per capita
Income inequality
Trade deficit

Question Title

4. Is the U.S. federal government too involved in the U.S. economy?

  Yes Mixed / about right No N/A
Select One

Question Title

5. The U.S. federal government should ... (select 1 or more)

Question Title

6. How should the U.S. federal government tax each of the following: more, the same, or less?

  More Same Less Don't Know / NA
Foreign imports
Individual income
Corporate Income

Question Title

7. Should the structure of federal tax rates be flatter, about the same, or more progressive?

Question Title

8. How do you grade the performance of the following organizations and institutions? (A = best, F = fail)

  A B C D F N/A
Wall Street firms
European Central Bank
CBO, GAO, and other watchdogs
U.S. business community
U.S. Federal Reserve
World Bank / IMF
U.S. Congress

Question Title

9. What is your sense of the conditions that exist for the following:

  Very Good Good Fair Bad Very Bad N/A
Small businesses
Venture capital
Bank lending to individuals
Bank lending to businesses
Angel capital

Question Title

10. How Important is each of the following for the health of the U.S. Economy?

  Very important (beneficial) Somewhat important Unimportant Don't Know / NA
Big Business
Free Trade
Labor Unions

Question Title

11. Which of these regions/countries will be an economic superpower in 2030? (check 1 or more)

50% of survey complete.