Protege Questionnaire

Question Title

* 1. The list below contains some key features that currently exist only in Protégé 3 and do not work in Protégé 4 or support OWL 2. Please indicate how important it is that we re-implement these features to support OWL 2 in the Protégé 4 framework.

  Extremely important Very important Moderately important Slightly important Not at all important I do not use this feature
Automatic generation of the UI for instance acquisition
SWRL tab
Mapping Master
Collaborative Protégé

Question Title

* 2. Are you affiliated with an educational institution (e.g., a university)?

Question Title

* 3. If you answered "YES" to the previous question, please list the courses, if any, at your institution that use Protégé.

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* 4. Do you use Protege in research?

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* 5. Is Computer Science your area of research?

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* 6. Any other comments? (e.g., importance of Protege for your project, what you plan to use it for, directions that we should take with the tool)

Question Title

* 7. Your name and email (optional)