Question Title

* 1. Please answer the questions below:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The content was as described in the brochure/registration packet
The material presented will be beneficial to my organization
I will recommend this seminar to my peers
The program was well paced within the allotted time
Panel Speakers were knowledgeable regarding their topics
Panel Speakers were good communicators
This session was presented in an organized manner

Question Title

* 2. Describe the length of the forum:

  Too Short The Right Length Too Long
Given the topic, was this forum

Question Title

* 3. Please describe the level of education during the forum:

  Introductory Intermediate Advanced
For you, this forum was

Question Title

* 4. Please describe the presentation:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Meeting Space
The Program Overall

Question Title

* 5. How could this forum have been improved?

Question Title

* 6. Please describe the top two topics you would like to receive more training on in the next 12 months.

Question Title

* 7. Interest in becoming a trainer:

  Yes No Considering It
Would you be interested in becoming a volunteer for this program

Question Title

* 8. If you are interested, please provide your contact information below: