Introduction to this survey

25% of survey complete.
This survey follows up on research into the processes of self-publishing carried out for 'The Naked Author: a guide to self-publishing' (Bloomsbury 2011) by Dr. Alison Baverstock. Your responses (which will remain anonymous) will be used to build a picture of how authors are using the techniques and processes of self-publishing, and the impact this has on both their wider writing and other involvements.

The questionnaire begins by asking you about your publishing history and then moves on to ask about your most recent self-publishing project.

Can we thank you in advance for your help, which is much appreciated.

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* 1. Have you ever been published by a traditional publishing house, ie an external investor?

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* 2. If you have been published by an external investor such as a traditional publishing house(s) how many titles have you produced in this way?

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* 3. Have you already self-published other titles? If so how many?

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* 4. If previously traditionally published, why did you decide to self-publish? Please tick all considerations that apply and feel free to add additional comments.

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* 5. If not previously traditionally published, why did you decide to self-publish? Please tick all considerations that apply and feel free to add additional comments.

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* 6. What was your particular motivation for self-publication? Please tick all considerations that apply and feel free to provide additional comments on your motivation.

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* 7. How much did you know about publishing when you began this self-publishing project?

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* 8. How satisfied with the overall experience of self-publishing were you?

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* 9. If the project needs arose, how likely would you be to self-publish again?

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* 10. How likely would you be to recommend self-publishing to someone else?

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* 11. Can you estimate your overall satisfaction with the product you have created through self-publishing?