Question Title

* 1. Please enter your name.

Question Title

* 2. Please read the following information carefully. You should ask the PI, or her representative, to explain any sections that are unclear to you and to answer any questions that you have. You should not check off the box at the end of this statement unless you understand what is written in this form and have had your questions answered to your satisfaction.

We would like to research the effect a course has on the participant’s proficiency and fluency with the information presented in this course. To assess your learning gains, we intend to administer a pre and post test. You will submit your answers online to two questions, one before the class begins, and one shortly after the class ends.

You will be asked to identify yourself on the submitted responses, but these papers will be coded with unique identifiers by administrators not involved with teaching or management of any aspect of this course. We want student identities simply so we may follow learning gains for individual students, but we do not need to know the identity of those students and their names will not be reported in any reporting of these results.

The following question is a post-assessment item for the experimental design orientation bootcamp course. The purpose of this question is to determine what you have learned about this subject. Your results on this test will remain strictly confidential. We plan to compare your results on this post-assessment with your results on the pre-assessment in order to evaluate the learning gains and impact of the boot camp course. Although we ask you to identify yourself, we will remove all names before reading these responses. We ask for this so we can track individual’s responses and assess individual learning gains, but we will have them coded without your name by an administrator not involved in any way in the course, so the responses will be de-identified to all faculty involved in the bootcamp. By checking the box below, you agree to have your answers contribute to our study of the impact of this course. These data may be used for future course improvement, research publications, and grant proposals.

There are no known risks or benefits to participating in this study.

Every effort will be made to be sure that your participation in this study, and all records about your participation, will remain confidential. However, confidentiality cannot be absolutely guaranteed, there is a small chance course faculty could unintentionally be made aware of the answers to your questions.

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary.

2. For questions, problems, concerns or complaints about the study, or for information about your rights as a research participant: Carolyn M. Connelly, PhD, Director, Office of Research Subject Protection, Harvard Medical and Dental Schools, 617 432 0651.