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“When I got sick, my mother automatically stepped in to help me in any way she could: she attended doctors' appointments with me, she cooked for me and just talked me through every new medical challenge. She never thought to label herself as my caregiver, for her it was natural to help her daughter. But that’s exactly what she was. She gave me care when I needed it most.” Sylvia, PH Patient

Do you accompany a loved one with PH on their hospital visits? Do you help a PH patient organize their medication? Do you lend a shoulder to cry on when having PH overwhelms your loved one? Are you the emergency contact for a PH patient?

Even if you do only one of these things on a regular basis then you can be described as a caregiver. A caregiver simply gives care to someone living with PH. Many days this may involve little more than cooking a meal when he or she is tired, at other times it may involve helping a patient through a period of hospitalization, but the one common denominator is that you are the ‘go to’ person for any physical and emotional support that a PH patient may need.

You are a vitally important part of the PH community and the Pulmonary Hypertension Association is eager to identify and help meet all caregiving needs: your needs and the needs of those you care for.

Please help us to meet those needs by answering our questions below. We estimate that it will take less than 10 minutes to complete the survey. The survey will close on 7 January 2011.

The information gathered will be used to create resources for caregivers including a chapter in the Patient’s Survival Guide and other print and web resources.

Your privacy will be protected at all times. At the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to choose how the information disclosed can be used.

All questions marked with an * are compulsory.

Thank you in advance for participating in this survey! We appreciate your help on this important issue.