Question Title

* 1. Three women will be chosen to take the Gluten Free Health Challenge, along with the four I've already picked. Please read all of the entries before choosing whose stories you would like to follow for the next six months. In the box below, type in the names of the 3 women you would like to win. Please pick 3, no more, no less.

Question Title

* 2. In addition to challenger updates and health coach recipes, what else would you like to see on The Gluten Free Health Challenge? Choose all that apply.

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* 3. Would you be interested in joining the Gluten Free Health Challenge from home?

Question Title

* 4. Please fill in the information below ONLY if you are interested in being on the mailing list for updates about The Gluten Free Health Challenge. If you join this list, you'll be notified if an option becomes available for you to join the challenge from your own home.